Amazing Alliteration at AJ

Purple pelicans paint paper purple CP,JW,OC Super smelly socks smell stinky CL,MC Big bugs bike with bugs EC,MP Mouldy morning milk Red Rudolph races running reindeer SW,SZ,KP A pink penguin played ping pong and painted a purple picture SD,HS Piper pin picks a pack of purple peppers piper picks pickles a pack of pink peppers, Read More…

Persuasive Essays

Check out class members persuasive essays. Topics for students essays are diverse from The dangers of R rated video games to changing hours at the Co-op. Students followed criteria, shared and found feedback from their peers and have published their work. Please feel free to leave nice comments for them.

Setting Description

This week students are learning how to write setting descriptions for stories or articles they are writing. Criteria for this includes: 1. Can be described in any way, left or right, top to bottom, specific to general 2. Contains details designed to create a specific atmosphere 3. Contains details that appeal to different senses 4. Read More…